@KTzone » 資源 - 綜藝節目 » 資源 - 香港綜藝節目資源超連 » ( 09.04 | Ch01 ) [ 高清 鷹魂傳奇 ] [HDTV-RMVB][粵語配音中字]

2011-9-5 14:42 homefun
( 09.04 | Ch01 ) [ 高清 鷹魂傳奇 ] [HDTV-RMVB][粵語配音中字]


【檔案大小】 : 982MB
【影片格式】 : RMVB720P (1280x720)
【發音語言】 : 粵語配音
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【有效期限】 : 網空自砍  ( 一般為 30 至 60 天 )

The goshawk is a wide-ranging diurnal raptor found in North America and Eurasia.
This visually stimulating documentary provides a rarely seen glimpse of this majestic bird, bbs.3e-online.com; E4 v7 ^0 K8 q" X
including meticulously captured video that demonstrates the expertise with which this bird flies, even through dense forest. Amazing slow-motion video reveals how the goshawk adroitly bounces off these barriers, turning hazards into means to propel, to stop, or to change direction. This video is an eye-opening experience that will forever alter your view of hawks.

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