@KTzone » 數碼 - 電腦用品 » 數碼 - 電腦軟件及系統問題 » (URGENT!!!) Cannot use 廣東拼音輸入法 --- 通用輸入法編輯工具

2009-1-20 10:54 lightcoffee
(URGENT!!!) Cannot use 廣東拼音輸入法 --- 通用輸入法編輯工具

I cant use 廣東拼音輸入法2002 in my Vista Computer
i downloaded other 輸入法software but i still cant use
So I followed this website:

but after i have done everything
and i was about to click "Finish"
it said "cannot open Canton.ime and Canton.tbl"

So i did try to delete the original one
8. 如已安裝過〔廣東〕輸入法後再加添個人廣東話拼音字後重裝時,請先刪除在\Windows\System32 下的 Canton.ime 及 Canton.tbl

now i deleted Canton.ime 及 Canton.tbl
and i did what the website said all over again
but now it said," cannot open Canton.tbl, cannot get or it does not exist"

how can i get a new Canton.tbl??
please help me thanks!!!!

please help me because I cant type any Chinese now!!!

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